Why An Infertility Support Group Might Be Helpful For You

Why An Infertility Support Group Might Be Helpful For You

After hearing about infertility in your life, there are a lot of feelings that may arise, from anger to sadness and from jealousy to irritation. It can even feel isolating, especially if other couples or people in your life are having a more successful fertility journey. However, you are not alone in your struggle; one in eight couples are working through infertility. With the help of your local fertility support group at NCCRM, an NC fertility clinic, your infertility diagnosis can be easier to cope with.

What Is An Infertility Support Group?

Like other support groups, an infertility support group is simply a group of people who are going through the a similar journey. Group members are usually in different stages of the process, whether they were just diagnosed with infertility or have been struggling with it for a while. Some couples might be hesitant to join a support group, but an infertility support group near me sponsored by your local NC fertility clinic can offer a wide variety of benefits for both partners.

Benefits Of An Infertility Support Group

Before finding the right infertility support group for you and your partner, it’s important to understand the benefits of being a part of a group such as this.

  • Emotional support
  • Making in-person connections with others who are in a similar situation
  • Learning more about options and treatment plans
  • Gaining insight from other couples and individuals who are or have struggled with infertility
  • Learning tips and tricks about getting and staying pregnant
  • Assisting others by sharing your story and offering support

If you’re interested in finding an infertility support group near me, you can speak to someone at your local NC fertility clinic to point you in the right direction.

NCCRM | NC Fertility Clinic

While infertility is a relatively common diagnosis, it can still feel isolating and lead to feelings of hopelessness. It can have a significant impact on relationships between those within and outside of the relationship. However, you do not have to struggle alone. Not only do we offer treatments for infertility at our NC fertility clinic, but we also offer resources and events to manage feelings and physical discomfort that come with an infertility diagnosis. For more information, please visit our website.

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