Getting Started with Tubal Reversal | NCCRM
Getting Started with Tubal Reversal

Getting Started with Tubal Reversal

Get Started with Tubal Reversal

To schedule your complementary initial tubal reversal consultation call  Click Here

Tubal ligation reversal surgery restores a woman’s fallopian tubes so that she can become pregnant. Our microsurgery procedure enables us to reduce recovery time, makes the procedure affordable, and helps achieve a high pregnancy rate.  To learn more about the types of tubal reversal treatment options  Click Here 

The first step would be to fill out the paperwork   Click Here 

We would also need to get a copy of your operative report from when your tubes were tied. You can get a medical release form  Click Here  to send to your physician or hospital. If you do not have access to the records or they have been destroyed please complete and return the waiver form .  Click Here (document will download)

To reach our tubal reversal coordinator, Darcy Layne, contact her at or at extension 180.

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