Adiana Tubal Ligation Reversal | NCCRM
Essure / Adiana Tubal Ligation Reversal

Essure / Adiana Tubal Ligation Reversal

Tubal ligation that can be reversed at NCCRM: Adiana Tubal Ligation

In this method of tubal ligation, two small silicone pieces that are placed in the fallopian tubes. During the procedure, your health care provider heats a small portion of each fallopian tube and then inserts a tiny piece of silicone into each tube. After the procedure, scar tissue forms around the silicone inserts, blocking off the fallopian tubes and preventing sperm from reaching the egg.

In 2009, the FDA approved Adiana sterilization reversal, which is similar in procedure and technique to the Essure surgery. These two procedures allow women to have their tubes opened again, which gives the woman better conception rates than they might have with traditional IVF procedures.

Many women decide to have their tubal ligation reversed when they get remarried or when they simply want to add to their family. With FDA approved procedures, conception ability can be restored and the woman can bring another child into the world, as her situation and feelings might change over time.
tubal surgery

Surgery Process:

Adiana Reversal Surgery is similar to a tubal ligation reversal procedure requiring skilled surgeons.  In this situation, a new opening can be created through the uterine muscle and the remaining tubal segment inserted into the uterine cavity. This microsurgical procedure is called tubouterine implantation, uterotubal implantation, or, simply, tubal implantation. Tubal implantation is performed when tubal anastomosis is not possible due to the absence of a proximal tubal segment and interstitial tubal lumen.
Click here for discharge instructions after Adiana, Essure and Tubal reversal surgery.

Adiana Reversals’ Cost: $7,300+

To learn more or schedule a consultation:
Call (984) 263-3396 or

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