If you are in Raleigh, Cary, Durham, Chapel Hill, or surrounding areas, you can schedule an appointment at our Cary office.
400 Asheville Ave. Ste. 200, Cary, NC
Call: 984-263-3396
If you are in Greensboro, Winston-Salem, High Point, or surrounding areas, you can schedule an appointment at our Greensboro office.
1517 N Church Street, Greensboro, NC
Call: 984-263-3396
We welcome patients from across the U.S. and internationally who travel to NCCRM for our specialized fertility treatments. If you are traveling from outside North Carolina, we offer virtual and in-person consultations.
Call: 800-933-7202
Tubal ligation reversal surgery restores a woman’s fallopian tubes so that she can become pregnant. Our microsurgery procedure enables us to reduce recovery time, makes the procedure affordable, and helps achieve a high pregnancy rate.
Learn more:
The Type of Tubal Reversal Treatments
Darcy Layne
984-263-3396 ext. 180
Tubal Ligation Reversals, Adiana Reversals, and Essure Reversals are rarely covered as they are considered elective procedures. Our office does not accept Medicare or Medicaid.
Our cost starts at $6,250 and may increase depending on factors such as what type of tubal ligation procedure you had, your BMI, and how many C-sections, if any, you had in the past.
The base price for tubal reversal includes tubal consultation, ultrasound, reversal surgery, anesthesia, and the pre-op and post-op visit.
We require all patients to have a blood count performed (CBC) and recommend that our patients of advanced maternal age have an AMH test performed (ovarian reserve). This cost is not included in the base price; however, insurance may cover some of these costs. Patients who have had previous abdominal surgeries (ex., multiple C-Sections) may be subjected to an additional fee. The price varies and is usually only applicable if you have had more than one C-section. If your BMI is 29 or higher on the day of your surgery, you may need liposuction. The cost is $1,000. Patients with a BMI of 37 or over may be required to lower their BMI to under 37, and $1,500 will be charged for the liposuction. If you are a resident of NC, we can assist you with weight loss medication.
Too much adipose tissue (fat tissue) makes getting to the tubes more challenging, and the surgery may be compromised, thus lowering pregnancy success rates. Liposuction removes the additional fatty tissue, allowing easy access and smooth surgery, increasing the success rate of the surgery.
NCCRM offers the most affordable pricing and preferable financial options. We have helped many out-of-town and out-of-state patients with their dreams of a second chance at motherhood. We are conveniently located right next to a Comfort Suite, which offers our patients a discount.
Tubal ligation reversal is an outpatient procedure that takes 1.5 to 2 hours. Patients are discharged to go home the same day of their surgery. You will receive instructions for aftercare, including a prescription for medication.
No. After surgery, you must have someone you know and trust drive you home (or to your hotel).
Recovery will take about two weeks, and you may start trying to conceive within 2 weeks of your surgery as long as you are feeling good.