Tubal Ligation Reversal Success Information | NCCRM
Tubal Ligation Reversal Success Information

Tubal Ligation Reversal Success Information

Success Rates for Tubal Ligation Reversal Surgery at NCCRM

Tubal Reversal success rates vary by age group. The older that women become, the success rates will decrease.

Tubal reversal Success rates by age

There are many factors that can play a role in the success of a tubal reversal as well. Uterine fibroids, endometrial polyps, the length of tube that was removed at the time of the tubal ligation, where the tube was cut at the tubal ligation, and hormone levels can cause difficulty for women getting pregnant. At the time of the initial consultation, these factors can be diagnosed and treated. If additional procedures are involved, it can merit additional costs which may or may not be covered by insurance.

Tubal reversal Success rates by type of ligation

What do I do if I think I’m pregnant?

Three things need to be done the minute you miss a menstrual period. You need to get one of the urine stick tests. If that is positive, you need to get a quantitative blood pregnancy test [called an HCG test]. The third thing is a vaginal ultrasound to make sure the baby is in the womb.

A primary concern is the risk of ectopic [tubular] pregnancy – it is greater after tubal ligation reversal than if your tubes had never been tied. Ectopic pregnancies can be dangerous, even rarely fatal, but that is not why we are so concerned. If you catch an ectopic pregnancy early, it can be treated with medicine and the tube is saved.

Early detection of an ectopic pregnancy means that it almost always can be treated without surgery. The tests need to be completed in the first week or two after you miss your period. Sometimes our tubal reversal patients forget these things that we tell them about early pregnancy detection and I tell them to call us if that happens.

You will need to have your blood pregnancy levels (quantitative beta HCG) measured every other day for at least 3 levels to determine that the pregnancy is not a tubal pregnancy. Your blood levels of the pregnancy hormone should at least double every other day. Your blood levels may be done in our office or at your obstetrician’s office. We also recommend a vaginal ultrasound one month after your first positive pregnancy test.

Please fill out the following form and email it to us once you have confirmation that you are pregnant: Pregnancy Report Form

Please communicate with your physician about what tests are necessary. This is a very important final step in the process and one that can assure a healthy pregnancy and delivery for your baby.

If you do not have an obstetrician, we work with several different physicians throughout North Carolina and would be happy to help you find one best suited to your needs.

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