Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update NCCRM Fertility Patients | NCCRM
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update NCCRM Fertility Patients

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update NCCRM Fertility Patients

Continuation of fertility treatments:

NCCRM will remain open and will continue to see patients for new patient appointments, workups and lab work. If you are healthy and pass screening criteria, you are welcome to come to the office for an in-person consult. We are doing consultations (whenever possible by telemedicine) and have begun starting new IVF cycles.

Safely conducting appointments at NCCRM:

Please be advised:  All patients attending appointments at NCCRM must wear a mask.  In addition, before attending your appointment please take your temperature.  If it is above 100.0 please call and reschedule. 

  • If you or your partner are experiencing fevers or upper respiratory symptoms, please reschedule your appointment with us and reach out to your primary care physician.
  • We are asking that you limit the number of people coming to your appointments and request that you do not bring children with you.
  • We are cleaning all surfaces in common areas several times a day and individual patient rooms after every patient.
  • We are daily monitoring the recommendations by the CDC and implementing their recommendations.
  • If you have further concerns or want more information, please refer to:

 Until further notice, NCCRM is asking any patient who has traveled to, from, or through mainland China, Iran, Japan, South Korea, any country in Europe and the United Kingdom within the past 15 days to reschedule their appointments. This includes traveling on connecting flights through these areas or coming in to contact with people who have traveled to, from or through these countries. The CDC characterizes contact with an individual as coming within six feet (two meters) of a person.  In addition, if you are coming from a US “hot spot” such as NYC, Detriot, Chicago, New Orleans, we ask that you contact the front desk and re-schedule your appointment. If you are unsure if your home city is a “hotspot” please call and we are happy to discuss your situation with you individually.

NCCRM is not located in the hospital. Every patient coming to our office is here for the same purpose, fertility. In an effort to best serve our patients in these unique times, we are also offering teleconferencing appointments, in addition to in-person appointments for new patient consultations, treatment planning for established and new patients, and preconception counseling.

Our decision to remain open for you was not taken lightly. As a practice, we carefully considered all of the available guidelines and the needs of our patient population. We fully recognize and appreciate the urgency that many of our patients feel in pursuing their journey to a healthy family. For many of you, time is the enemy. Your medical care is time-sensitive. NCCRM will do everything we are able to in these challenging times to work with you.

New Patient Consultations:

We want you to know that here at NCCRM we are constantly evaluating the most recent guidelines and recommendations from the various scientific and governmental agencies, including the CDC, ASRM, ACOG and SMFM.

Scheduling a consultation appointment will allow you and your doctor to talk about pretreatment testing and ways to get your body prepared for a pregnancy. Your doctor may suggest some pretreatments that may benefit your fertility. Sometimes these pretreatments are most beneficial for you to be taking for three months prior to conceiving.

We know this is a really difficult time, as many of you have had long, difficult and stressful fertility journeys. NCCRM’s goal is to be a resource for you during this time.

Facts about Covid-19

●  There is no data (as of now) about risks of COVID-19 during conception and pregnancy.

●  The ​Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC​) website is the recommended source for up-to-date, detailed information about COVID-19.

●  The vast majority of people who contract COVID-19 will not require hospitalization; symptoms are often mild enough that one can recover at home.

●  If you have flu-like symptoms, please contact your primary care physician.

●  The steps to protect yourself from COVID-19 are generally the same as those for the flu.

●  The best prevention is through washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.

●  Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

●  Cover hands and nose with a tissue or a sleeve – not hands – when coughing or sneezing.

●  Avoid traveling to areas with active outbreaks of COVID-19 and remain away from others that may have traveled for a minimum of 14 days.

●  To avoid delaying treatment, avoid traveling to areas with current reports of COVID-19.

● If you have traveled to a country where COVID-19 has been reported, we recommend that you postpone treatments and office appointments until two weeks after returning home.

●  If you are actively sick with a fever, please stay home until the fever has been clear of your system for 14 days post fever to prevent the spread of disease to our patients and staff.

●  For current travel advisories and up-to-date information on COVID-19, please visit the CDC’s COVID-19 website​.

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