Improve Your Odds Of Conceiving With These Tips

Improve Your Odds Of Conceiving With These Tips

Trying to conceive a baby isn’t as easy for some as it is for others; everyone has different levels of natural fertility. If you’re trying to get pregnant and are experiencing some bumps in the road, you’re not alone. About one in eight couples has trouble conceiving in the United States. Before you go to your clinic for reproductive medicine in NC, such as NCCRM, there are some things you could try to incorporate into your life to make conceiving easier for you and your partner.

Stop Smoking and Reduce Drinking

Smoking can lead to fertility issues in both males and females, including second-hand smoke. It can cause premature aging in sperm and eggs, which can make it more difficult to conceive. For the female partner, it’s also wise to avoid drinking more than one alcoholic beverage a day if she is trying to get pregnant. Alcohol can interfere with the first few weeks of pregnancy. This also means if there is a chance of pregnancy, staying alcohol-free is the best way to ensure that the mother and fetus are at their healthiest. If you’re having trouble quitting smoking or drinking, the experts at your clinic for reproductive medicine North Carolina can offer suggestions and resources.

Track Your Cycle

Just like fertility levels, everyone has a different cycle. Getting to know your own cycle is imperative when trying to have a baby, whether you keep a personal fertility journal or seek the help of your local clinic for reproductive medicine North Carolina. One of the easiest ways to start tracking your cycle is to note when each phase of the menstrual cycle begins and ends. Each phase has its own symptoms, but the one that you should understand the most is the ovulation phase, which is when you’re most fertile. During this phase, the ovary releases an egg to be fertilized. The life span of the egg is only about 24-48 hours, but sperm can live in the female body for up to five days. This means that the egg could be fertilized by sperm that is already inside the body. There are a few symptoms to note to know when the body is ovulating:

  • Thicker vaginal discharge
  • Slight twinges in the abdomen or abdominal cramps
  • Breast tenderness
  • Elevated basal body temperature

It’s important to recognize the signs of ovulation in your own body. If you’re having trouble with this, one of our fertility experts at our reproductive medicine in NC will assist you.

Reduce Stressors and Learn to Cope With Stress

Stress can interfere with fertility and trying to conceive. While it’s hard to avoid every stressor that comes up in life, it’s important to learn how to cope with said stress. For some, a relaxing bath or spa day can help, while others practice yoga or a hobby. Finding what works for you in lowering cortisol levels will be beneficial for both you and your partner when trying to conceive. Your reproductive medicine North Carolina clinic can also offer support groups and other resources to help couples work through stress and emotions that come with this stage in life.

NCCRM | Reproductive Medicine in NC

Trouble when trying to conceive can evoke many emotions individually and in the relationship. That’s why at NCCRM, a center for reproductive medicine in NC, we offer a wide variety of services for infertility and gynecological needs. For more information, please visit our website.

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