IVF Success Rates Raleigh | NCCRM
IVF Success Rates

IVF Success Rates

Success Rates for IVF, IVF using Donor Eggs, Frozen Eggs and Frozen Embryo Transfer

Success rates can be challenging, as factors like patient medical profiles, treatment methods, and eligibility criteria for assisted reproductive technologies (ART) differ from one clinic to another.

At NCCRM, we aim to support individuals and couples facing challenging fertility journeys. Everyone deserves a chance, including those with complex cases such as low AMH or elevated FSH levels. Our success rates reflect our commitment to helping people, even when the odds are tough. We’re here to provide hope, as we deeply understand the responsibility entrusted to us by our patients. At NCCRM, we aim to be thoughtful stewards of your time, emotions, and resources. We prioritize your needs and work with you to create a personalized care plan, considering everything you’ve experienced and what will best support your journey. Our focus is always on what’s right for you, guiding you through every step with compassion and expertise. As our motto says, “We deliver dreams, one baby at a time.”

We specialize in performing frozen embryo cycles rather than fresh cycles, leveraging the latest advancements in vitrification, a technique we use in our egg bank. This process is critical for preserving the quality of embryos and has shown tremendous success, especially given the sensitivity of eggs to freezing. With frozen cycles, we can be more flexible with stimulation, minimizing the risk of hyperstimulation, one of the highest risks associated with IVF. This approach enables patients to stimulate once and transfer embryos as needed, often yielding many embryos after a single cycle. Additionally, this method allows those who prefer to limit the number of embryos created to freeze unfertilized eggs for future use. Research has shown that frozen cycles can also result in healthier babies with higher birth weights, adding another benefit to this approach.

Learn more about factors that affect success rates here.

Call (984) 263-3396 to schedule a consultation.

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