Getting Started | NC Center for Reproductive Medicine
Getting Started

Getting Started

Get Started with Fertility Diagnosis

We offer a wide array of general fertility procedures that allow patients to receive the treatments that they need the most. From IVF to Ovulation Induction, we are here to provide the best infertility care in many different areas.

To get started, you can request an appointment by contacting our appointment coordinator here or call us at 984-263-3396 x101

For general infertility or IVF questions, you can contact one of our medical staff here.

Understanding Infertility / Conditions

We are here to ensure that you understand infertility and the conditions that accompany it. We answer all of your questions and ensure that you always feel well informed throughout the entire process.

Fertility Medications / Surgery

We stay up-to-date on the latest infertility surgeries and medications to ensure that our patients always have the best of care. If you are looking for a fertility center that always places your health and comfort first, consider NCCRM.

Get Started with Tubal Reversal

Tubal ligation reversal surgery restores a woman’s fallopian tubes so that she can become pregnant. Our microsurgery procedure enables us to reduce recovery time, makes the procedure affordable, and helps achieve a high pregnancy rate.

The first step would be to fill out paperwork here.

We would also need to get a copy of your operative report from when your tubes were tied. You can get a medical release form here to send to your physician or hospital.

If you have any further questions, feel free to email our tubal reversal coordinator.

Still have a question?
Call (984) 263-3396 or

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