Do you know when your fertility declines?

Latest News From ‘Fertility Blog’

Do you know when your fertility declines?

A recent article shows that many college students aren’t sure when their fertility will decline. They actually underestimate the age of when their fertility will decline, thus lessening their chances of having children should they actually decide to wait until that age to try and get pregnant. Are you in the know? Check out this…. read more

Food Network Star discusses her infertility treatment

Donatella Arpaia, from the Food Network recently found out she was pregnant with twins by going through IVF. She struggled for many years and had many failed cycles. She discusses her IVF briefly, but she comments  that she really recommends women in their 30s look into freezing their eggs for children later in life. Have…. read more

Five Myths About Infertility

A recent Washington Post article has shared five myths about infertility. The article looks at common misconceptions about infertility and different peoples beliefs about infertility as a whole. The more common misconceptions include that women are the primary reason for infertility, stress causes infertility and who should initiate the infertility discussion. Interested in reading more…. read more

Diet sodas, Artificial Sweeteners– are they hurting your fertility?

  Does your intake of artificial sweeteners hurt your fertility? According to an article from Natural News, a study performed in Brazil had tested the eggs of 524 women that were undergoing IVF, there were more cell abnormalities noted in those women that were using the artificial sweeteners than those that didn’t use artificial sweeteners.…. read more

Smoking and Fertility

Trying to conceive? Well, all you smokers should be aware that smoking that cigarette is going to greatly decrease your chances of pregnancy. Smoking not only has the detrimental effects that you hear about all the time, like cancer, emphysema, and COPD; but it also has a huge effect on your reproductive system. The nicotine…. read more

Late life fertility challenges for women

Janet Jackson(50), Kelly Preston(48), Halle Berry(47), Elizabeth Edwards(50), Geena Davis(48), and Holly Hunter(47) were all celebrities that had babies late in life. While there is some chance that they were naturally conceived, a majority of these women most likely needed assistive reproductive technologies. Whether they froze their own eggs or embryos when they were younger…. read more

Fertility and Weight

According to an Australian article, fertility and weight have a direct correlation to each other. People don’t ever enjoy being told that they are overweight or obese. Unfortunately, it’s something that needs to be said for those people that are trying to have a baby. Obesity and excess fat has many detrimental effects. Increased insulin…. read more

#MOMTHING: Holderness Family & NCCRM

At NCCRM, we know Mother’s Day can be so difficult for people who are trying to have a baby.  The journey can be long, arduous and doesn’t always turn out the way you wanted.  However, over the years since NCCRM opened in 1992, we have been fortunate enough to help thousands of people become parents.…. read more

National Infertility Awareness Week 2015

25 Things to Say (and Not to Say) to Someone Living with Infertility To Say: Let them know that you care. The best thing you can do is let your infertile friends know that you care. Do your research. Read up about infertility, and possibly treatments or other family building options your friend is considering,…. read more

Women Seeking Essure Removals

Remember the Academy Award nominated blockbuster film, Erin Brockovich?  The film starred Julia Roberts and followed the real life story of Brockovich (pictured below) who fought against the energy corporation, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). Now, Brockovich is leading the fight against the maker of Essure, a permanent birth control option that many women…. read more

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