If you’re struggling to get pregnant, it can feel like you’re doing everything right and still getting nowhere. However, there might be a few habits that you might be inadvertently doing that could be hindering your fertility. At NCCRM, an NC fertility clinic, we are dedicated to assisting you with any of your fertility needs, including your daily habits that could be inhibiting your fertility levels. Here are five habits to break if you want to give yourself the best possible chance of conceiving.
- Smoking
- Drinking alcohol
- Eating processed foods
- Skipping meals
- Stress
Smoking is one of the worst things you can do for your fertility. Not only does it decrease your chances of getting pregnant in the first place, but it also increases your risk of miscarrying if you do happen to conceive. If you’re trying to get pregnant, now is the time to quit smoking for good. You can speak to one of your local North Carolina fertility clinics, such as NCCRM, with assistance to quit smoking and other bad habits.
Drinking Alcohol
Drinking alcohol doesn’t just impact the embryo in the womb, it can also decrease your chances of getting pregnant naturally or with the help of North Carolina fertility clinics. If you’re trying to get pregnant, it’s best to abstain from alcohol altogether.
Eating Processed Foods
Processed foods can negatively impact your fertility in several ways. They’re often high in unhealthy fats and chemicals which can disrupt hormone levels, and they can also contain harmful additives that can damage reproductive organs. If you’re trying to get pregnant naturally or with your chosen NC fertility clinic, eating a clean, whole-food diet is essential.
Skipping Meals
When you skip meals, your blood sugar levels drop and your body goes into “survival mode,” which causes your body to only use energy to keep itself alive. This can lead to a decrease in fertility hormones and an increase in stress hormones, neither of which are conducive to conception. If you’re trying to get pregnant, eating regular, nutritious meals is a must. NCCRM, one of the top North Carolina fertility clinics, can assist you in curating a meal plan and eating schedule that is beneficial for your body and its fertility levels.
Stress is one of the most common causes of fertility problems. When you’re stressed out, your body produces stress hormones like cortisol which can interfere with ovulation and reduce the quality of your eggs. If you want to improve your fertility, learning how to relax and manage stress with the help of your fertility clinic North Carolina is imperative.
NCCRM | NC Fertility Clinic
If you’re struggling with infertility, it’s important to be aware of the habits that could be hindering your ability to conceive. From smoking and drinking alcohol to eating processed foods and skipping meals, there are several common habits that can impact fertility negatively. By breaking these habits, making some lifestyle changes, and working with an NC fertility clinic like NCCRM, you can improve your chances of getting pregnant and finally achieve your dream of starting a family.